gift of a lifetime

Gift of a lifetime
Hot off the presses!

Pieces of this special offer package include an animated e-card, a landing page, an email announcement, a flyer.

return of the torahs: animated news on the move

Kol Shofar News on the MoveAs Kol Shofar got ready for the community to move back in to the newly renovated building, a blog on their website made it easy to post informal updates in video form, picture galleries, building updates, links to relevant pages, etc., helping to keep everyone up to date.

The flexibility with which this website was designed makes it easy to add and remove pages as needed, to keep the public informed about the renovations, programs, and locations. See the animated e-invite here, created in Flash.

budget challenge, anyone?

The California Budget challenge revision is an involved and interesting project I had the privelege of working on with Red Hill Studios – an update to Next Ten’s prior app. I designed a new look for this Flash interactive quiz, designing the GUI functionality, creating graphics, expanding a very informative (encyclopedic, in fact) help section, all for a fun interactive educational application.

I’ve worked with Redhill Studios on various educational Flash-based math and chemistry chapters. Since they’re proprietary I can’t link these complex but fun mathematical and chemistry chapters here. Envision solving differential equations made fun… honestly!

animated greeting cards, aka fun with flash

I enjoy creating animated greeting cards using Flash, for example,
this Rosh Hashana card.

and this Chanukah card….

and this, an attempt at vehicle beautification, but I couldn’t convince David Donohue, the owner of this bio-diesel-run van to let me paint the bare white walls with these bright flowers.null